Thursday, September 23, 2010

Won't stop 'til it's over

After beasting through a cog psych test and generally being a productive member of society, I'm proud to say that I'm having a wonderful day.

What's new in my life?  I'm currently working on a collection of short stories that I hope to be semi-finished with by the end of the semester.  My goal is to complete ten 600-1200 word stories and be sufficiently happy with each one to allow others to read them.  Ultimately I'd like to get them published, and I have great, vague, looming plans as for what will happen after that, but for now it's all about taking it one step at a time.

As of today, I have completed one and there are two more dans le progrès.  I would give a summary of the first one to be finished, but I'm not even particularly sure what it's about and I know I'd just screw it up trying to explain. 

The last class of the day awaits me.  Make somebody laugh today, and stay classy!

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