Sunday, November 6, 2011

This, from Jacques

More Enjoyable Things To Do With My Time, In Lieu of Studying Statistics

1.  Holding horizontally-folded dollar bills up to my face in the mirror in such a manner that the top half of my face and the bottom half of (insert president here)'s face merge so as to create the great MoneyMan.
2.  Opening a bag of M&Ms, pressing two together until one cracks, pitting the winner against the next M&M and continuing the process until I discover the M&M champion among ordinary M&M(en).
3.  Returning videotapes.
4.  Taking advantage of the recent hailstorm in Claremont and building an army of miniature hailmen, then pitting them against squirrels.
5.  Going into toy stores and arranging the lions in the stuffed animal section so that the lighter tan ones are hanging off the edge of the shelf by their front paws and the darker ones are holding the lighter ones by their front paws.
6.  Muting a classic film and redubbing over all the voices with alternative dialogue.
7. Almost anything else.


  1. i feel like a couple of these might be heavily reddit influenced.

  2. Astute observation, good sir/madam.

  3. problem? I see none
